What is ShotSpotter?

Police rely on the community to call 9-1-1 if gunshots are fired, but only 20% of incidents are ever reported on average. This creates a situation where police departments have a large data gap that makes it difficult to be able to effectively “serve and protect” when it comes to gun violence. SoundThinking’s ShotSpotter acoustic […]

How does ShotSpotter work?

ShotSpotter uses an array of acoustic sensors that are connected wirelessly to ShotSpotter’s centralized, cloud-based application to reliably detect and accurately locate gunshots using triangulation. Each acoustic sensor captures the precise time and audio associated with impulsive sounds that may represent gunfire. This data is used to locate the incident and is then filtered by […]

What types of cities use ShotSpotter?

ShotSpotter is used in more than 170 cities and is highly regarded by law enforcement as a critical component of gun violence prevention and reduction strategies. ShotSpotter protects a wide range of city types and sizes ranging from urban metropolitan cities such as Las Vegas and New York City; to medium-sized cities such as Boston, […]

How effective is ShotSpotter?

Gunshot detection by itself is not a panacea for gun violence, but if used as part of a comprehensive gun crime response strategy, it can contribute to a reduction in response times, help to save the lives of GSWs, and improve evidence collection rates. Please visit Results for more details.

Is ShotSpotter surveillance equipment? Do the sensors listen to conversations?

An independent privacy audit conducted by NYU’s Policing Project concluded that the risk of voice surveillance is extremely limited. Strict controls and policies ensure sensors only trigger on loud explosive or impulsive sounds that are likely gunfire. No community member’s information is obtained or used during any part of the detection or alerting process. Learn […]

Does ShotSpotter cause over-policing?

ShotSpotter provides police with a tool to respond to and investigate gunshot incidents in a more precise area compared to the 9-1-1 system to avoid canvassing entire blocks or neighborhoods. There is zero data supporting the claim that ShotSpotter puts police on high alert or creates dangerous situations. Rather, ShotSpotter equips police officers with more […]

Can I buy ShotSpotter for my house?

Right now, we do not have a solution for individual community members. However, you can write a letter to your local elected officials to request ShotSpotter for your neighborhood.

What should I do if I hear gunshots in my neighborhood?

Regardless of whether your city has deployed ShotSpotter, you should still call 9-11- and notify the police. You may not be in a ShotSpotter coverage area as it typically doesn’t cover an entire city. Over 80% of gun crimes go unreported and your call could help save lives. If you’re in a city that has not deployed ShotSpotter, […]

What other products does SoundThinking offer as part of its SafetySmart Platform?

SoundThinking offers: CrimeTracer™, the #1 law enforcement search engine that enables investigators to search through more than 1B structured and unstructured data across jurisdictions to obtain immediate tactical leads, leverage advanced link analysis to make intelligent connections, link NIBIN leads to reports, suspects, and other entities, and more. CaseBuilder™, a smarter investigation management platform that […]
