Paws That Help: How Therapy Dogs Improve Police Officer Wellness

Home / Paws That Help: How Therapy Dogs Improve Police Officer Wellness

Police officers and all first responders are not strangers to high-stress, emotionally intense, and physically demanding situations on the job. Over time, constant exposure to these challenges can wear on mental and physical health. Prioritizing police officer wellness is crucial for long-term health and well-being. Therapy dogs can be a helpful wellness tool in law enforcement.

To help manage the stress and trauma encountered in law enforcement, specially trained therapy dogs are finding their role in working with first responders. These amazing animals offer more than just companionship – they provide comfort, help reduce stress and anxiety, and help mitigate the impacts of trauma. Interacting with the therapy dogs fosters resilience and encourages officers to seek additional support.

Stress Reduction

Police officers and all first responders regularly deal with stressful situations, and one of the immediate benefits of therapy dogs in officer wellness is their ability to reduce stress. The continued exposure to high-pressure situations can lead to a buildup of chronic stress. According to research, simply petting a dog can trigger the release of oxytocin, a hormone associated with feelings of bonding and relaxation. Simultaneously, levels of the stress hormone cortisol are reduced.

Several studies have found correlations between physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral symptoms and the occupational stress that is prevalent in police work. A published study also found that participants exposed to a traumatic incident and then interacted with therapy dogs for just 15 minutes lowered the participants’ cortisol levels by an average of 20%. For first responders, who often carry stress on and off the job, having access to a therapy dog can make a noticeable difference.

Providing Emotional Support

Emotional support is another crucial benefit of therapy dogs for first responders. The nature of policing often forces officers to suppress their emotions to maintain composure in high-stress environments. Over time, this emotional repression can lead to feelings of isolation, depression, or burnout. Therapy dogs provide unconditional affection and emotional support, allowing first responders to express emotions that might otherwise be kept bottled up.

Therapy dogs have been shown to reduce anxiety in first responders. In the field, first responders are frequently exposed to traumatic events that can lead to heightened anxiety levels. Therapy dogs offer a calming presence, providing a non-judgmental source of comfort during challenging moments. A recent National Library of Medicine study shows that spending time with therapy dogs can lessen anxiety, pain, and depression while increasing feelings of well-being. This soothing effect is significant in a profession where split-second decisions can have life-or-death consequences.

Lowering Inhibitions Toward Seeking Help

Many first responders are hesitant to seek help for mental health issues due to the stigma that often surrounds mental health care in law enforcement. Therapy dogs can serve as a catalyst in reducing this stigma. Interacting with therapy dogs creates a relaxed environment where officers may feel more comfortable discussing their struggles.

Programs that incorporate therapy dogs in police and fire stations report an increase in officers and firefighters seeking help for mental health issues. According to an article by Lexipol, therapy dogs have benefits, including supporting staff wellness and making it easier for those needing additional support to seek help. The dogs are both a comfort and a non-threatening way to initiate potentially difficult conversations.

Building Resilience

Resilience, or the ability to recover quickly from challenges, is critical for first responders. Therapy dogs for officer wellness build resilience by offering consistent emotional support, improving mood, and fostering a sense of well-being. Spending time with therapy dogs can increase the production of serotonin and dopamine—chemicals in the brain that promote happiness and emotional stability.

For first responders who face repeated exposure to adversity, therapy dogs can provide a break from trauma, stress, and anxiety, allowing them to recharge emotionally and mentally. A study of healthcare workers shows that therapy dog programs can reduce burnout and improve overall job satisfaction, leading to a more resilient workforce. With some similarities between aspects of emergency healthcare and policing, law enforcement may see the same reduction in burnout and improved job satisfaction.

First Responder Therapy Dogs for Officer Wellness

First Responder Therapy Dogs is a nonprofit organization that provides emotional support and stress relief for first responders through specially trained therapy dogs. Their mission is to offer comfort to those who face high-pressure and often traumatic situations, such as police officers. These therapy dogs are deployed to help reduce stress and anxiety, build emotional resilience, and encourage first responders to seek mental health support when needed. By offering non-judgmental companionship, these fantastic canines can help first responders cope with the stress of their demanding roles.

Therapy dogs for officer wellness are much more than furry companions—they’re true partners in supporting first responders. From easing stress and anxiety to helping break down barriers to seeking help, these amazing dogs make a real difference in the lives of those who dedicate themselves to serving and protecting the public. When the demands on police officers are overwhelming, which they often are, the comfort and healing provided by therapy dogs is a lifesaving resource that helps our law enforcement heroes stay strong — both on and off the job.

At this year’s International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Conference in Boston, Massachusetts, stop by SoundThinking’s booth in the vendor hall to visit the therapy dogs. Each day of the vendor show, we will have supportive canines available for you to interact with, pet, and feel relieved of stress while increasing your brain’s happiness chemicals – serotonin and dopamine. SoundThinking and the therapy dogs will be at IACP 2024 Booth #1511 October 20-22, 2024. We hope to see you there!

Learn more about SoundThinking’s Support of Officer Wellness and Visit us at IACP

